Thursday, June 30, 2011

There must be a lesson inside


190. Verily in the creation of heaven and earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people who understand,
191. (they are) those who remember Allah, standing, sitting, or lying down and they think about the creation of heaven and earth (saying) : "Our Lord, nor You created this in vain, All-Holy Art Thou, then save us from the torment of hell. (Q.S. Al-'Imran [3] : 190-191)

In this blog, I try to open our mind to the lessons that must be there inside our life. Behind things happened, behind phenomenon, behind disaster, behind calamity, and behind all events in this life.
Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haadzaa baathilaa
..our Lord, nor You created this in vain... (Q.S. Al - 'Imran [3]: 191)
If we took lessons, we may know what to do for tomorrow. And always try to have a better heart. Allah has provides us with signs. We learn and study life from the nature, from people's life, from our life, even from present events. There are written signs in al-Qur'an, but we have to realize that there are unwritten signs in His creations.The al-Qur'an verse above told us that nothing in this world that Allah created in vain, or in other word is meaningless. There must be,at least, a lesson in it. We just have to be sure, because He is The Almighty Creator. Different with His creation, make something that unperfect. We could just give our best efforts, pray, and leave our fortune to Him. Wallahu'alam bish shawab
Let us do introspection to reflect how our self have be, with dzikra.


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